OSHUN FRIDAY (Weekly Offerings to Oshun)


OSHUN FRIDAY (Weekly Offerings to Oshun)


On the 5th day of each week (Friday), OSHUN & their temple gives offerings to the orisa, Osun, on behalf of members in the community who are looking to connect with the Great Mother.

Offerings of kola nut.

(Financial offerings can be increased by multiples of $20. For example, if you’d like to offer Osun $40, increase the quantity of your order to (2) items.)

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Please allow up to 72 hours for your message to be sent via email.

**this purchase is a one time purchase for a single week. To sign up for another week, make another purchase by the following Friday, 10am.

All purchases made after 10am on Fridays will be assigned to the following week.